Bio Productions Chewing Gum Remover 750ml

Code: XCCGR7

Bio Productions Chewing Gum Remover 750ml free from petroleum-based chemicals and solvents, making it a less harmful option.


Bio Productions Chewing Gum Remover XCCGR7 is a 750 ml trigger spray designed to effectively and safely remove chewing gum from various surfaces such as carpets, fabrics, and driveways, without causing damage. Its formulation is free from petroleum-based chemicals and solvents, making it a less harmful option. Additionally, it can be diluted for general carpet cleaning purposes.

  • Easily removes chewing gum
  • Can be used on a wide variety of surfaces
  • Less harmful formulation
  • Quick and easy removal
  • Neutral pH 8.5 (concentrated)
  • Powerful and dilutable

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